Monday, September 15, 2008



Olive Oil’s Benefits
1) Highest content of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) which reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) and triglycerides. This helps prevent heart disease, high blood pressure and brain hemorrhage.
2) Olive oil is rich in oleic acid , which reduces the risk of breast cancer.
3) Rich source of vitamins A,D,E,K and Beta-carotene and other antioxidants that fight cancer. Antioxidants also prevent ageing , increase life expectancy and work wonders for your skin and hair.
4) Improves metabolic functions , prevents and controls Diabetes , Osteoporosis and formation of gallstones.
Most doctors recommend a complete switch over to Olive oil during post cardiac problems. Why not switch earlier and prevent problems before they arise?

Olive oil and Cooking.
1) Olive Oil is the ideal medium for all kinds of cooking.
2) Indian cuisine, whether fried, roasted, or cooked by any other method tastes as good with olive pomace oil as with sunflower, safflower, corn or any other oil.
3) Olive Pomace Oil is economical since it is used in 1/3rd the quantity of other edible oils and can be reused 3 to 4 times.



Olive 10 82 8
Canola- Rapeseed 6 60 34
Mustard 11 56 33
Groundnut/Peanut 19 51 30
Sesame 14 42 44
Rice bran 22 42 36
Palm 48 38 14
Soybean 13 29 58
Ghee/Butter 68 2 4
Corn 13 27 60
Grapeseed 11 20 69
Sunflower 12 19 69
Flaxseed(Linseed) 9 18 73
Safflower 8 13 79
Coconut 89 7 4

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Teenage Obesity

Obesity is a very big preventable life style which is affecting adolescents of higher income groups mostly.
Although there are many conventional and non conventional methods of weight loss but before one starts one must consult a doctor to rule out physiological causes if any. However diet plans and exercise is the best way to loose weight.

Few Tips
1. Say No to Burger, noodles, french-fries and Pizza
2. Say yes to whole pulses, wheat and sprouts
3. Say no to ice-cream and pudding and say yes to fruit custard and salads.
4. Say no to fruit juices, canned juices & Aerated drinks and yes to whole fruit, milk & coconut.
5. Say no to white bread, cream, biscuits and chocolates and say yes to whole wheat breads and biscuits.
6. Integrate physical activity in daily life.
a) Choose bicycling and dancing instead of computer game.
b) Choose outdoor games instead of indoor games
c) Instead of casual walking choose brisk walking
d) To remain fit don’t just sit.
e) Avoid surroundings where you are tempted to make good food choices.
f) Instead of sitting and chatting go out for a walk.
g) While viewing T.V. walk around home during commercials.
h) Use staircase instead of elevator or escalator.
i) Keep weighing machine at home and check your weight after every weak.
j) Drink a lot of water
k) Take high protein diet
l) Control hunger
m) Develop a body image
n) Change your lifestyle.

How to control Hunger

- Eat high fiber food to speed satiety.
- Don’t eat simple sugar foods alone.
- Eat proteins at each meal.
- Eat light and frequent meals.
- Regular exercise regulates appetite.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Nutritious recipe for you

SAFFRON CUP 1 tall glass
Water 1 cup
Saffron 5-6 strands soaked in hot water 2tbsp
Honey 2 T
Lemon juice 2T
Crushed ice ¼ glass
Sugar 1 tbsp (optional)
In a pan dissolve everything together properly. In a tall glass add crushed ice and pour above solution. Serve with saffron strands.
This drink is rich in Vit A, Vit C and energy. It is highly digestible as it consists of honey.

GINGER SURPRISE 1 tall glass
Ginger paste ½ t
Mint paste ½ t
Lemon juice 2T
Water 2T
Sprite (an aerated clear drink) To fills the glass
Crushed ice ¼ glass
Add paste of mint, paste of ginger, lemon juice to water and sieve it. Put the solution in the glass and add crushed ice. Now pour sprite to fill the glass.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Food Items Nutrients
· Atta Carbohydrates
· Rice Carbohydrates
· Sooji Carbohydrates
· Maida Carbohydrates
· Bambino Carbohydrates
· Pasta Carbohydrates
· Chirwa Carbohydrates
· Pulses Proteins,Iron,Calcium,Fibre

· Dehusked Pulses
No Fibre,Proteins,Iron,Calcium

· Milk and Milk Products Protein,Calcium,B Complex

· Soya Beans Calcium,Iron,Protein

· Meat,Egg,Fish,Besan Calcium,Iron,Protein

· Mushrooms Calcium,Iron,Protein,Less Fibre,B Complex

· Peas
Protein,Folic Acid,Less Fibre

· Beans
Protein,Folic Acid ,Less Fibre

· Carrot Vitamin A

· Cabbage Iron,Calcium,

· Capsicum
Vitamin C,Vitamin A

· Raddish Calcium

· Cucumber Folic,Iron

· Onion Iodine

· Tomato Vitamin A,C

· Potato
Cabohydrates,Less Fibre

· Cauliflower
Vitamin K ,Iron,Calcium

· Green Leafy Vegetables
Calcium,Vitamin A,iron.

· lemon
Vitamin C

· Pudina
Folic acid ,Iron,Vitamin A

· Dhaniya (green)
Folic Acid, Iron, Vitamin A

· Pomegranate Iron, Folic Acid

· Citrus Fruits Vitamin C

· Apple Juice
Natural Diarrhea Control

· Peanuts & Other Nuts Calcium, Iron,
Protein, Fats, Energy & 50% Fats

100g nuts = 50g Fat

· Lotus Stem Seed(Makhana) Calcium

· Kesar Vitamin A

· Khas Khas(Poppy) Calcium

· Sugar Carbohydrates,Empty Calories

· Butter Fats

· Cheese Calcium,Protein,Fats

· Sprouts
B Complex,Iron,Calcium vitc

· Noodles Maida(carbohydrates)

· Fruit Juices Minerals & Vitamins

· Vegetable Juices More Nutritious than fruit juices

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


We all have heard about the benefits of soybean through one or other means but not about the miracles. If we deeply study the composition of this legume we can’t stop ourselves calling it a miracle bean. It is a unique dietary source of isoflavones or protein directly lowers serum cholesterol levels.Isoflavones are often referred to as phytoestrogens or plant estrogens because they have a structure similar to the female sex hormone estrogen. Initially interest of scientists in isoflavones focused on their possible anticancer effects but it is clear that this view of isoflavones is far too limiting. Isoflavones are now thought to reduce risk of a wide array of diseases including osteoporosis and coronary heart disease (CHD).

Soy food modestly reduces hot flash (menopause) severity and frequency. Because of the purported effects on CHD, OSTEOPOROSIS, soy foods/isoflavones are viewed by some as possible alternatives to hormone replacement therapy (HRT).

Soyabean is one of the very few plants that provide a high quality Protein with minimum saturated fat. Soybeans help people feel better and live longer with an enhanced quality of life. Soybeans contain all the three macronutrient (Protein, Carbohydrates, and Fats) required for good nutrition, as well as fiber, Vitamins, minerals. Soyabeans Protein provide all the essential amino acids in the amounts needed for human health. Soyabean have almost 40% protein.

Soybeans oil is also rich in omega -3 and 6 fatty acids similar to those found in fish oils and cholesterol –free. Soybeans are an excellent source of dietary fiber with both soluble and insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber may help lower serum cholesterol and control blood sugar. Insoluble fiber increases stool bulk, may prevent colon cancer and can help relieve symptoms of some digestive disorders. Soybeans has more than two times the amount of most of all minerals, especially calcium, iron, phosphorus and the zinc, than any other legume and very low sodium content. Soybeans have all the important vitamins and are a very good source for B complex vitamins and vitamin E.

Therefore we all need to open our eyes and look around to find out various Soya foods like tofu (SoyPaneer), Soymilk, soynuggets, soynuts, soyoil, soybread.soybiscuits, soyflour, soypapad etc. An approximate consumption of 25gm. Soy protein per person per day can reduce a lot of problems.

Mamta Garg Ref (ASA) Brouchures